This message is from: "Ursula Jensen" <>

Trinity Fjords had three entries in two days of driving trials consisting of
Dressage, Cones, and Hazards. Scores over the two days were combined for
overall averages. All equestrian events, riding and driving, were held on a
Ranch with great facilities just outside of Kamloops. The organizers were
kind enough let us park our trailers and wagonettes right beside the stalls.
The girls stayed in our motor home while I went home each night to do chores
and check on the horses.

Our three entrants were, Ursula Jensen, Julie Pilon, and Wanda Gammel all
from Lumby B.C.


1-Ursula Jensen/Gold Medal award level One--------- was driving her young
green Fjord mare Issy who had the afterburners turned on the first day, but
settled down on the second day and was quite superb. First Driving Trials
for this young mare. Since I lost Sambar in the spring, Issy is now Nesja's
pairs partner.


2-Julie Pilon/Silver Medal award in level Two------------------was driving
Nesja who is 26 this year and still has a float to her trot. Nesja and Julie
got the best Driven Dressage score of 34. Nesja is the best driving mare we
have and has taught over 50 students to drive here at our place. She belongs
to our grandaughter Molly Jensen who rides and drives her.


3-Wanda Gammel/Gold Medal Award/Pairs in Level two--------------was driving
my wheeler pair Trinity's Sakama and Trinity's Samstein, both sons of
Sambar. These two are as level headed as you can get and Wanda has become a
great driver, now also handling my four-up.


We have this weekend to repack for the Armstrong Interior Provincial
Exhibition, which runs from Weds to Sunday this coming week. We have 34
driving classes and they expect over 150,000 spectators. Brian Jensen

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