This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <>

This message is from: Logans -
...<>..While I completely agree that Fjords have amazing power behind them, I
have to
respectfully disagree about Fjords and kids. We've built an entire lesson
program using ONLY our Fjord horses. Are they naughty sometimes? Yep. They're
horses. But they really do love the kids and adore being ridden by them. All
that said, they are under supervision/instruction...<>...  Corrine

Granted, that’s admirable, but your position is a qualified one..  “under

I’m guessing that precious few children, out of random sales, would have
that same advantage.

Aside from the potential  for liability (selling an unsafe horse $$) ...there
would be the

unconscionable burden of having contributed to an unfortunate outcome.

Let me put it this way.. in a two horse scenario-- one a Fjord, one a
non-Fjord.. both horses are

loving and well mannered, both respond positively to children.. both are stung
by a bee...!

which one do you think might shy sideways the farthest and hardest.......??

there’s not any doubt in my mind.

Ruthie, nw mt US

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