This message is from: Kay Van Natta <>

    I hope the quieter Fjords ARE staying in the gene pool!  I think a solid 
and dependable disposition is one of most important qualities that the 
Fjordhorse offers.  Attitude differs from individual to individual of course, 
but as a group, I think they rank pretty high on the reliable meter.   Although 
Fjords have more assets than most to attract the novice or experienced 
rider/driver, there isn't a single talent I would trade in good disposition to 
get or improve.  My Braveheart is handsome, talented and sound but it's his 
trusted friend status that makes this his home forever.  My Bogie Fjord is NOT 
a show horse and was luckier than heck to get reds at his evaluations but he, 
too, has found his permanent home...for the same reason.  And I think 
responsible breeders consider temperament, as well as body type, when choosing 
the crosses they plan to make.  At least, I really hope so.  There is no 
current style/trend that's worth sacrificing a good mind to get.

Kay Van Natta
Yellow Pony Farm

Sent from my iPad

> On Sep 27, 2013, at 4:09 PM, Bonnie Morris <> wrote:
> This message is from: Bonnie Morris <>
>  This is a really good topic for the Fjord community to discuss.  I am sure
> this questions has many different reasons.   And some could be about how the
> breed is being bred and what traits and qualities are being rewarded .   There
> are lots of great very calm reliable Fjords out there,  my thoughts would be
> are they staying in the gene pool?    Are they having foals?    I have a mare
> that is the star of my riding program.   She is very calm big older style.
> Very sound and great.   She is a nice mare all around,  do I breed her?   Then
> I think how would she do in an evaluation?   I do not think that she would get
> the score a breeding animal is suppose to need to be considered .   I have
> been thinking about this for the last few years, as I know that is one of the
> tools used for making good educated decisions.    I just happen to have 2 of
> her only offspring (I did not breed them)  and they are just as calm and
> reliable.    The mare is always asked for by both kids and adults who have
> ridden her.    So I have made the decision that her temperament is far more
> valuable than her not as perfect body.    I want another just  like her!   She
> is a gem.    Where is our breed going?    What do we want our Fjords to do and
> be?     Something to talk about:)
> Bonnie Morris
> Western. WA    Raining again
> Why do you think they have changed?  I have one from a rescue that was there
> for
> being uncontrollable, and my hoof-trimmer says he acts like an Arabian.
> --------------------------------------------
> On Wed, 9/25/13, Michael & Misha <> wrote:
> Subject: phlegmatic Fjords
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2013, 3:37 PM
> This message is from: "Michael &
> Misha" <>
> I like the stories of the quietude of Fjords and I have had
> so many and bred so many rock solid types but over the last
> few years most of the Fjords I have encountered are very
> high energy and reactive. They bolt a lot, and some of them
> buck and rear with the best. The Fjord horse is my favorite
> breed, and i would gladly trade two lively but gentle high
> evaluated big movers for a pokey Fjord of yesteryear. Like
> the ones you are all talking about. I guess it depends on
> what you want to use them for but for those of us who love
> the gentle cart ride or the easy peasy trial ride, the quiet
> ones rock it! i guess it is about buyer beware and not
> assuming!
> Misha of Shota Fjords
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