This message is from: "Teressa" <>

No one has mentioned leptospirosis. My mare almost died from that several
years ago. It is endemic in Kentucky where it causes abortions in pregnant
mares, also in Florida. I'm in NW Washington and my vets hadn't seen it
before but ended up testing for it as she was negative on everything else.
Anyway, just thought I'd throw that out. 

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Krissie England
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: my boys-arsenic in chicken food

This message is from: Krissie England <>

I agree that it is a very slight chance that the problem was caused by
chicken feed, but it seemed worth mentioning since they have not found any
other cause.  I seem to remember Kim saying that the vet thought the horses
had ingested a toxin back at the beginning of the illness.  Plus, my vet
felt it was worth talking to me about it, and I do respect his advice.  I
would think they would have to eat a largish amount for there to be any ill
effect, but I am no expert.  There is no "admitting" that there is arsenic
in chicken feed, without it the chickens will die.  There was a big scuffle
on facebook about it, where it went around like it was a problem, which it
is not.  But people will present "facts" out of context to get a reaction
and that is what happened.  I posted quite a few replies to my friends along
the lines of "you will not die from eating chicken, nor be exposed to
harmful arsenic from the meat."  You will not be exposed to arsenic  unless
you actually eat their feed, the meat is clean because they use the arsenic

Of course, the important thing here is that the boys are HOME and on the
mend!  I just know if it was me, I would be going crazy trying to figure out
what happened so I could prevent it happening again.

JM2C, YMMV, etc, etc :)


On Wednesday, January 29, 2014 5:04 PM, Mary Ofjord <>
This message is from: "Mary Ofjord" <>

What wonderful news that the horses are back at home and will recover.  I've
had near-death experiences with horses in the vet clinics too, and I can
honestly say that the emotional stress was the most difficult I've ever
dealt with.  Hugs to you and your boys.

The FDA did ban 3 of the 4 types of arsenic, and it is in small amounts that
I don't think it would be dangerous to horses, however, I sure wouldn't want
my horses to eat it!

Here's a link to the NYT article: and here's
another article about the DFA admitting they were admitting arsenic in
chicken feed: 

And, we're having chicken for dinner tonight.  Yeesh! Mary Ofjord North
Coast Services, LLC

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Krissie England
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 2:35 PM
Subject: Re: my boys

This message is from: Krissie England <>


I just had a thought.  You said you live near a chicken farm and they had
recently cleaned out their coops.  Is there any chance the horses were able
to get ahold of any chicken feed?  Like maybe pellets that blew into their
field?  I ask because we also have chickens and my vet warned me to be very
careful that none of my other animals get into the chicken feed.  It
contains arsenic, which is a necessary nutrient for chickens (so it has to
be in their feed), but is poisonous to the other animals.  I am paranoid
about keeping the chicken feed totally out of reach of my other animals for
that reason.

I am SO glad to hear that your boys are home and doing well!  We had my
husband's mare at Leesburg vet hospital for a week when she colicked and
didn't know if we would be able to bring her home.  It was awful!  Luckily,
she too had a good outcome, and this was several years ago, but I will never
forget that feeling.

Krissie in northern MD

On Wednesday, January 29, 2014
3:27 PM, Kim Manzoni <> wrote:

This message is from:
Kim Manzoni <>

Update: All tests have come back
negative. They have tested for: Salmonella, Lyme, Potomac Horse Fever,
Coggins and Coronavirus.

I am very happy they are better and that they didnt have anything fatal.
I just wish there was a diagnosis or answer. I dont know what to do
differently or if it was out of my control to begin with - not knowing is

But I am so thankful they are home. I missed them, they are very special
boys and add so much character and happiness to my little herd.
Thank you all for the support and prayers.

Kim in MD 

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