This message is from: Gayle ware <>

Dustenai has crossed over the rainbow bridge - May 8, 1993 - Jan 24, 2014

I am so very sad to share the news that Dustenai has gone to be with her
momma, Molde and her first owner, Patty Peterson.  Many of you here in the
Pacific Northwest will remember Dustenai & Patty.  They were always
formidable competitors at the Libby show, particularly in driving events.
Patty passed away a few years ago and friends created the Patty Peterson
Memorial Trophy at the Libby show.

After Patty's death, Dusternai and her son, Cymon, came to live here at
Field of Dreams while we found new homes for them.  Mary Johnson purchased
Dustenai and her job became teaching Mary how to drive.  Dustenai was a
spectacular driving horse and received a score of 94 for Intro. Driving at
the Moses Lake Evaluation a couple of years ago.

Dustenai was one of the best daughters that Dusty ever produced.  She had
such a sweet, kind spirit and was everyone's favorite whether it came to
riding or driving.

Dustenai had suffered for the past few years with a mysterious digestive
problem where she would periodically stop eating and display signs of
discomfort.  A trip to the OSU vet college showed stomach ulcers.  She was
treated for that and it seemed she was on the road to recovery.  However,
sometime later, the symptoms returned - back to OSU for more tests.  This
time the ulcers were healed, but after many more tests, scopes, xrays,
etc., there was no answer as to what was causing her pain.  More nmeds,
symptoms subsided for a time, but returned again.  Back to OSU for the
third time.  Same thing - no answers.

It was a roller coaster for poor Dustenai - feel better - feel too
miserable to eat - meds to make her comfortable.  She was such a brave soul
and a valiant fighter to the end.

Dustenai began having another episode so I went to visit her at Mary's
place on Sunday and asked Mary if she'd like to bring Dustenai back here
for a while since she would at least eat green grass  whenever her tummy
hurt & I have plenty of grass to share.  Mary brought her back here on
Tues., but by Friday, it became apparent that not even the grass was going
to fix her this time.  The vet was called and the oh-so-difficult decision
was made to let her go home.  MUCH WAILING AND GNASHING OF TEETH, but
knowing that it was the best thing for her - NOT SO MUCH FOR THE PEOPLE SHE

I was with her when she drew her first breath so it was fitting that I got
to be with her as she drew her last, but DANG it hurts so much to say

The world has lost another fabulous Fjord, but that is surely heaven's gain
and I envisioned her frolicking over the rainbow bridge where she was
greeted by Patty & Molde who had been patiently waiting for her.

We will miss you little girl!

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

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