This message is from: Kjorsvig <>

WE are down sizing and do not have any trained horses available at this time
Sally Kjorsvig

On 2014-02-06 16:26, DMTFarms FjordFarm wrote:
This message is from: DMTFarms FjordFarm <>

A long time friend (25 + years) is looking for a good trail horse, gelding
He has had a trail mule before, and his wife's arab/morgan cross just died
at 28.
He keeps his horse's for their lifetime, and his wife is just as passionate about care. He and his wife are about 5'4" and very fit. They'd like a
good trail horse, between 12 & 18.  Solid reliable.  He lives in the
Northwest (Seattle) area, and has asked me to help him find the right
fjord. He knows I've had them for almost 20 years, and now he has the
opportunity to find the right one.
Please let me know if you have that right horse. I think he would travel some to see and ride it, but don't know how far. Brains and doing are
what's important, but I know he don't want tall.
Let me know the good trail horses for sale, and I'll pass them on to him.

Happy Fjording, our weather has gotten frigid, and my mare is very 'happy' about it. We are down in the single digits, and she's chomping at the bit to get out and exercise. Yikes, I can barely keep up with the frozen manure.

Mel Thomas

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