This message is from: Carol Makosky <>

I saved this from the "List" a few years ago since we too live in sand country. Try Orange Sugar Free Metamucil or the cheaper version Equate from Wally World. 1/4 cup twice per day mixed dry in his food and provide plenty of fresh water for drinking. This was recommended for sand removal & should be used for 7 days once a month. At least I only have to worry about sand intake during our warmer months. On a more humorous note, my husband is about to leave for the morning to pull our supper out of a 30 some inch deep hole & I have the frying pan all ready.
Thank you, Milli Ann in TX for sharing this in 2010.

"God forbid that I should go to any heaven in which there are no horses."
                                           R.B. Cunningham Graham

Built Fjord Tough
Carol M.
On Golden Pond
N. Wisconsin

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