Ühel kenal päeval (neljapäev, 14. märts 2013 19:02:35) kirjutas Declan Kelly:
> On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 10:06:51PM -0400, ben...@winamp.com wrote:
> > Flake is a completely independent codebase.  When I used it years ago, I
> > remember it being not only better compression but significantly faster as
> > well.  I believe some of the techniques used in libflake were added to
> > libFLAC in 1.1.4.  However, some of the improved compression in flake was
> > due to options that are outside the FLAC 'subset', such as larger
> > blocksize, greater number of prediction coefficients, and higher-order
> > Rice codes.
> When I tested flake, it was almost shockingly fast (compared to what I
> was used to with FLAC) but the tightest compression options didn't
> produce .flac files that could play on every playback device and/or
> software that I tested.
> It is a shame that development has stopped.
> The next official release of the FLAC command line should really have a
> "-9" option for absolute maxed-out big-memory CPU-burning compression.
> Most general purpose compression tools have "-9" as the tightest option
> for compression.

Flake higher compression levels make non-subset files. Computer are fast today 
and Flake more complex compression don't take very much time anymore. Other 
thing is that lossless compression can't be very much smaller. One possibility 
is to broaden Flac subset. But I don't know is it good idea or not. I'm just 
daily audiophile.
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