Janne Hyvärinen wrote:

> Seems safe indeed.
> Attached an updated patch where metaflac works too.

Janne, thanks for your hard work on this.

Unfortunately this patch fails to apply for me. The problem is that
all the Visual Studio files have CRLF newlines, while all the C files
have just LF and the patch has only LF. I'm sure there must be a 
better way around this, but I haven't found it.

Currently I'm opening the patch, selecting the VS patch chunks one
by one and converting those chunks to CRLF before applying them.
Obviously, this is a huge pain in the neck and there us a chance
that I mess something up :-).

I think it would help if you split patches like this in two; one
with just C files and the other with just VS project files. I could
then run unix2dos on the VS project patch file and hopefully get
something that applies correctly first time.

So, comments on the actual code:

a) There's a couple of files and a directory call 'utf8_io' whereas
   I think they would be better called 'win_utf8' or 'win_utf8_io'.

b) Similarly, the 'FLAC__STRINGS_IN_UTF8' should also have 'WIN' in
   it to make it clear that this is a windows feature. However, it
   would be nice if this worked for MinGW as well so this should 
   probaby be:

      #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW__)

c) Not keen on the '_flac_stat' identifier. According to the ISO 
   C standard, all identifiers starting with an underscore are reserved
   for the compiler implementor. Should probably be using flac_stat_

d) Would be nice to reduce the #ifdef hackery.

I'll have a look at this some more and probably hack the above myself.
Then I'm commit it and get you to check it.

Erik de Castro Lopo
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