Some comments for patch #1, I chose the non-secure versions because they are faster and produce smaller binary. The functions where these printings are performed can't in my opinion ever exceed the safety margin of 32 KB. They print short help and error texts and occasionally filename, which with APIs is restricted to 260 characters. And you can't feed it longer faulty names either because maximum command line length is much shorter than 32 KB.

Patch #2 is good. I was apparently not thinking when writing that.

The break that patch #3 removes is there for a reason. If there is an error in string conversion there's no point in continuing the operation. All conversions are discarded if something failed so not exiting from the loop is wasted effort.

On 8.8.2014 18:18, lvqcl wrote:
For better readability the patch is divided by 3 parts.

Part #1: for a bit better security replace
    vsprintf(utmp, format, argptr)
    vsnprintf_s(utmp, 32768, _TRUNCATE, format, argptr)

Part #2: potential memleak fixed: utf8argv[i] are not freed
when utf8argv itself is freed.

Part #3: 'if (ret != 0) break;' line seems redundant.

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