Can you please wrap the setvbuf in _WIN32 IFDEFs too? Currently memory usage of FLAC decoding is about 1MB, so this patch is increasing memory usage tenfold, also for platforms that do not need this. It is a non-problem on my system anyway.

Op 26-09-14 om 10:36 schreef Janne Hyvärinen:
I made some changes to the previous patch. I don't know why I originally didn't put the output buffering to piped output too but that is now moved to cover both file and pipe output. Additionally this patch informs the Windows filesystem in advance about the decoded size to eliminate NTFS fragmentation.

On 25.9.2014 23:01, Janne Hyvärinen wrote:
Decoding flac files is also prone to producing fragmented files. NTFS has the ability to completely avoid fragmentation if it is told the file size before hand, but that would require using special Windows-only functions. Increasing the write buffer from the default 512 bytes to 10 MB already reduces the problem tremendously.

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