To answer the original question, I do not believe that there is.

What may be an eloquent solution to this problem is to start a collection of 
"Flac tools" on sourceforge.  These could be command line or gui utilitis, and 
would reside in a single permanent location.  This way we could have actual 
sh/bat files with proper error checking and such rather than one liners.  Back 
in my windows days, it would take me all of 5-10 minutes to wrap a command line 
(like the ms example I came up with from  /? instructions only) in a VB6 gui 
app.  I am certain that someone with similar new age .net skills probably reads 
the list, and might not mind doing the same.

As for the scripting skill level thing, I did not mean to suggest that computer 
users would be capable of such a feat.  By "basic command of a **IX shell" I 
meant that they were on the second semester of a scripting 101 course or had 
completed "scripting for dummies".  Once you learn what tools are available 
(how to loop/iterate, how to nest commands, etc) the rest is just chaining the 
tools together in a linear fashion to achieve the desired result.

Someone put together a tools page, maybe split out flacGUI from the core flac 
project, and we'll all do our best to extend the tools to make common tasks 
easier for the users.


> Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 01:06:03 +0200
> Subject: Re: [flac] re-encode tool win32
> but to return to my original question: is there a graphical tool to
> re-encode directories (and subdir's inside of them) for win32?
> because otherwise windows are still 'stuck' when they want to do that.
> I agree entering such long command line strings is not user friendly,
> so i'm looking for a tool if this exists
> thx for your attention
> 2007/9/29, Aaron Whitehouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > anyone who has a basic command of an **IX shell is more
> > > than capable of one-lining most find/search/sort/exec tasks.
> >
> > That is overstating things a little. I have been using Linux for about
> > five years and I wouldn't have come up with that command on my own.
> >
> > That said, I agree that Josh is better to spend his time writing the
> > encoder (which he does incredibly well). I guess that people who want
> > to do this will find it out eventually :). With any luck, third party
> > tools will step in to provide this kind of functionality, in a
> > user-friendly manner, without distracting Josh. The same argument
> > could be said for the windows FLAC gui - is it just a "distraction"
> > from the core job of upgrading the encoder?
> >
> > To be fair, if it is really that simple, someone that isn't up to
> > working on the encoder could add this feature and Josh wouldn't be
> > distracted at all. There would be no need to "re-implement or maintain
> > "dir", "grep", or "find" equivs in flac" as they could depend on the
> > existing tools. It would not be desirable for the base Flac libraries
> > to depend on these things, however, so I agree that it probably
> > belongs somewhere else.
> >
> > This is all just rambling, really. I now have the answer and can
> > happily use it. I just get annoyed when people tell me that your
> > average simple user could come up with a long command string when, in
> > actual fact, the majority of computer users don't ever see a command
> > line.
> >
> > Thanks for your help,
> >
> > Aaron
> >

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