here is shntool info output for wav file:

file name:                    set3-24bit.wav
handled by:                   wav format module
length:                       45:08.927
WAVE format:                  0x0001 (Microsoft PCM)
channels:                     2
bits/sample:                  24
samples/sec:                  44100
average bytes/sec:            264600
rate (calculated):            264600
block align:                  6
header size:                  44 bytes
data size:                    716782080 bytes
chunk size:                   716782116 bytes
total size (chunk size + 8):  716782124 bytes
actual file size:             716782124
file is compressed:           no
compression ratio:            1.0000
CD-quality properties:
  CD quality:                 no
  cut on sector boundary:     n/a
  sector misalignment:        n/a
  long enough to be burned:   n/a
WAVE properties:
  non-canonical header:       no
  extra RIFF chunks:          no
Possible problems:
  file contains ID3v2 tag:    no
  data chunk block-aligned:   yes
  inconsistent header:        no
  file probably truncated:    no
  junk appended to file:      no
  odd data size has pad byte: n/a
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