It could be caching. Lots of discussion in the forum about this - Basically, you have to clean out your Player's cache area.

It can also be caused by loading a swf that was compiled with the old version. Flash will use the first version of a class that it finds. So if you have 2 swfs that include the Banana Class and you forget to rebuild both swfs you will tear all of your hair out in frustration as Flash consistently uses your old class definition that it found in the swf that you forgot to rebuild.

This is not as uncommon as it seems and almost everyone gets bitten by one of these two cases eventually. Usually only once since you end up with great mental scars as you are finding now.


David Lochhead wrote:


I'm late to the party in adopting external classes for my work but
hey, I'm here now! :)

Anyway I have an incredibly frustrating problem in that when I change
the code in my class it doesn't seem to be updated when I republish.
I'm using Flash 8 and SEPY.

E.g. Here's my class. Simple as it is.

class Banana {
        private var owner:MovieClip;
        function Banana(createdBy:MovieClip) {
                owner = createdBy;
                tr('Banana Created');
                owner._x = 100;
                owner._y = 100;
        public static function tr() {
                trace(arguments.join(" : "));

And in my FLA the only code is.

bob = new Banana(bob); - bob being a square movieclip.

Now when I publish it i get the output: Banana Created

However, if I change the trace in the class to "Apple Created"  and
republish I still get "Banana Created". i.e. it hasn't updated.

It's driving me nuts. Am I missing something painfully obvious?


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