Hi Amir,

I believe you have a scope problem here. The compiler doesn't know wich object is dispatching the event. You should use your dispatcher object or instance to call that method. Also you now need to initialize your dispatcher object to the EventDispatcher class

for exemple :

   import mx.events.EventDispatcher;

   function dispatchEvent() {};
   function addEventListener() {};
   function removeEventListener() {};

   var myDispatcher:Object = new Object();

   var myListener:Object = new Object();
   myListener.onEvent = function() {
          trace("onEvent triggered");

   myDispatcher.addEventListener("onEvent", myListener);

then later in your code you can trigger the event on a button click like this :

   myBtn.onRelease = function() {

   function sendEvent():Void {
           var eventObject:Object = {target:myDispatcher, type:'onEvent'};

This is how you should use events in Flash 8, read the docs, look for tutorials and you'll see similar examples or better

Hope this helps


Amir Cicak wrote:

Hello, after upgrading to flash 8 following line does not dispatch event anymore:
dispatchEvent({type:"klik", target:this, link:Tekst});
It works ok in flash 7. Anyone knows what could be the problem? I made component and this code is in components class. Are there some new things I need to watch out for in flash 8 related to event dipatching, initialising dispatcher, class, component, linkage, etc.? Thank in advance...

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