Comments below:

Judah Frangipane wrote:

1. A lot of things have change and moved in AS3. Will my flash app have to be converted to compile to AS3?

Yes. You will have to do some migration. How much will depend on you content, but you will have to do things like explicitly give classes modifiers.

2. Will there be some sort of way to have a V2 AS2 component run inside a AS3 app? Or will old functions be deprecated or completely removed?

V2 components are written in AS2. In order for those to run within ActionScript 3 content, they would need to be migrated.

So, v2 components will not run within an AS3 app.

Is it safe to say that our apps will require major conversion to work with AS3? Or possibly written from the ground up?

Again, it depends on your content. My guess is that you won't have to re-write it from scratch, but you will have to migrate you code. This falls into two areas:

1. syntax correction / changes
2. API changes (i.e. moved APIs, events no longer requiring proxies).

My experience has been that I have had to update syntax modified, and change my event handling code to no longer use event proxies. I also have to import a couple of packages because some APIs moved.

Hope that helps...

mike chambers


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