Hi Danny,

It's hard to say without being able to look at your loop code. The times that my JSFL scripts have stopped were usually due to trying to access a locked or hidden layer. I don't think I got an error (but I don't remember for sure). So check that thats not the case. Also, you might get some answers from the extending flash list http://lists.flashguru.co.uk/mailman/listinfo/extendflash.


Danny Kodicek wrote:

My JSFL script appears to be unaccountably dying half-way through. It's a
pretty hard-working script, but there's nothing to make it stop where it
does (just half-way through a perfectly ordinary loop it's already traversed successfully several times). Is there some limit on the amount of code that can run in one JSFL script? Other people have talked about running scripts
for long enough to get the 'Flash has been doing stuff for ages, want to
stop?' message, and I'm nowhere near that stage, but perhaps there's a
memory limit - I'm creating quite a few objects during this process.

Any thoughts welcome


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