The VM cares about what it gets but what I said was that it does not care about how it got made.

You always have to make sure that your compiler generates code for the machine that you intend to run it on. You will have trouble running code compiles for the x86 architecture on a SPARC box. Virtual or real the code has to be right for the processor.


Spike wrote:

Strictly speaking the VMs care an awful lot about what they get, but you can
use any tool you like to create a swf that conforms to what the VM requires.

Creating an ActionScript compiler that generated java bytecode is certainly
possible, but would have the same problems. You'd have to make sure that the
resulting Java bytecode was compatible with whatever JVM you were planning
on running it on.


On 10/21/05, Ron Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Strickly speaking VMs do not care. You can use MTASC or Swish or MMC or
your own program to create the code. The player will execute the code
that it gets.

If you have 2 VMs supporting 2 different byte-codes (AS2 and AS3) then
you really have 2 products and only the branding (Macromedia Flash)
makes them similar.
If someone wanted to make an Actionscript compiler that generated Java
byte-code, there is no reason why that could not be done. The emulation
of movie clips would be a nice peice of code but not impossible.


ryanm wrote:

AS1 and AS2 and AS3 all compile to Flash Player byte-code. The VM
could not care less how you created the byte-code. You could define
your own language and write your own compiler to generate an swf.

Sort of true, but misleading. AS1(&2) bytecode runs in the old VM,
and AS3 bytecode runs in the new VM, and the different VMs
*definately* care how your code was created. AS1 bytecode will not run
in the new VM and AS3 bytecode will not run in the old one. This is a
kind of clean break for Flash. Not as clean as I would like, since
having 2 VMs causes bloat, but clean in the sense that the new VM is
incompatible with the old one because of the fundamental changes in
the way the player works.

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