I saw a post on a forum recently about random number generators and the ability to create on that could be seeded.

So, I took up the challenge and converted the Mersenne Twister algorithm to AS2 (probably one of the best, and fastest, pseudo-random number generators out there).

Code is available of course.

Not that any of you need something like this, but ya never know:


One thing I found out is that Flash chokes on a 32-bit and a 53-bit hex number. Flash should represent 0x100000000 as 2^32 or 4294967296. The same goes for a 53-bit hex, say 0x20000000000000, which is 2^53 or 9007199254740992.

Anyone know why that is - aside from the fact that the number type is 32-bit in Flash (AS2)? I'd love to work that out but have a feeling that until I get this to AS3, there won't be any chance of that.



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