At 08:01 PM 10/27/2005, you wrote:
> <a href="asfunction:addStory, _root.arrStorys[6]">
> />COPS A SECURITIES ACT PLEA</b></a><br><br>

I'm no expert on asfunction but, seems to me it's
pretty limited. You could just pass the function name
and the Array index value:

f.e.: <a href="asfunction:addStory,6">

Then you could read the value of the array at index 6
from within your addStory function. Not exactly what
you wanted but it will work.

-Steven Loe

Good point Steven, but what's baffling me is that I have that line, and many others like it,
in a textarea, dragged from the Components panel, with html set to true.

When I click, nothing happens, unless it is trying to open a browser and I'm testing in the debugger or simply running the movie. I've added a trace() to addStory, nothing appears in the output window.

Puzzled - Miles

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