Frédéric v. Bochmann wrote:
Happy to hear you solved your problems, including the height of your slider
was essential too :) Happy you spotted that one yourself! :D

Now the arrow, what you're saying is the simplest way.
Something that might be interesting for you to try to implement is to have
the scrollContent update its position in an onEnterFrame instead of using an
onMouseMove, if that is what you're doing at the moment. Using onEnterFrame
will obviously include a little delay in your scrolled content, but it will
lighten up your CPU usage if what you are scrolling is huge and heavy (Don't
forget to call onEnterFrame() just before assigning it back to null).
So what I would say is create a function called updateContent which will
have the math's you already have. And make sure to set the onEnterFrame when
the user is scrolling and assign it back to null when the user is finished
scrolling. When you use the arrows, simply move the slider by the height of
your slider or so, with some validations and call the updateContent method

You're on the right path :)

Thanks for that, I will be trying to implement the above tomorrow afternoon. With luck you wont hear from me ;>
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