I'm working in FlashPro8. I have an empty movie clip called "mapHolder"
defined on the stage. Depending on some parameters when starting my swf, i'm
either going to call loadMovie("FlashMap.swf", mapHolder) or loadMovie("
imagemap.jpg", mapHolder).

I have an interface called "IMapHolder", and two implementing AS2.0 classes
called "SWFMapHolder" and "ImageMapHolder". Because I'm not sure what type
it will be, I'd like to associate the MC and the class dynamically.
Something like Object.registerClass() would be perfect, but I imagine that
doesn't support AS2.0.

Do I need to create two separate MCs, each with its own linked AS2.0 class?
Or is it possible to dynamically register an MC with AS2.0? Thanks all.

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