Nice guys! :)

Yes, I'm rooting for deng and for flash 8.5 and more html support in textfields but ho is there for people that still need straight html. Drag and drop from component panel into flash. But it would be cool to update it with Flash 8 External Interface.

Check out the debug example. There are *three* html overlays on that page. Can you spot the other ones?


Andy Weisner wrote:

Heres a HO like ,similar "seamless" HTML layer - over flash interface example I implemented 2 years ago:
(its in a popup ,so wont work with popup, click wsw-mobicenter link)

Its working quite good on most browsers but probably not all..but was a pain to implement.

If maybe a easy framework for this can be made like HO it definetly has potential with flash8 .

there is another way possible now if one want to make a seamless flash like a frame "around" the HTML layer using like 3-4 different embeded flash movies which all comunicate and synchronize with flash local connection...and via javacript /external interface with the content.The content could sometimes be another a 5th flash movie which communicates with the others so make it even more seamless.
 I will try this approach on a project soon.
Wont work on any layout but works fine for many,and should have no problems with browsers like the HO approach.


Stan Vassilev wrote:

The fact we can get HO working consistently accross wider range of browsers is exciting since I've been trying to get it done "properly" for ages now (mixing Flash and HTML as if it's all in Flash). However it still remains buggy and limiting (example - missing text cursors, focus issues and the fact html is always on top means no custom cursors or movieclips over it etc. etc.).

It also requires too much from the user - JS on, recent Flash player, recent browser version, and right platform.

With flash 8.0 adding advanced bitmap operations and 8.5 adding blazing math speed to the runtime, I think we're a lot closer to having full-blows DHTML renderer in Flash which is almost as fast as any browser out there (in other words: like Deng, except couple of hundred times faster ;) ).

Regards, Stan Vassilev

I'm not sure how your site is built but the purpose of the HTML Overlay (HO for short) is to get HTML from a database (using ASP, PHP, etc) and update the div that is displayed transparently over your flash document. The html content can come from an html element on the page or be set in flash like this:

// set the html in dynamically created div
my_ho.setHTML = "<some html>"
// move the div to a new location relative to where it is on the flash stage
my_ho.setHTML = "<new html>"

Is really one of my personal favorite projects. It is to give Flash all the features of HTML from within the Flash IDE. Now with External Interface we have a even more features. I still get info that people do not know it's uses. I'll post some links to live demonstration shortly.

Best Regards,

Sander wrote:

The principle works indeed. But the HTML has to come from Flash. In a large site where dynamic (ASP) pages create the menu's, it can't be used.

On 01 Nov 2005, at 07:01, Helmut Granda wrote:

Great work! By any chance Do you have a list of platforms you have tested this on? The main problem I have is with Linux.



Judah Frangipane wrote:

Hi Saunder,

It is possible. Until I send some example links you can look at these screenshots here:

I am thinking of making this open source if anyone is interested.

Best Regards,

Sander wrote:

Er... Linux issue only? How do you layer *any* content above flash? It's just not possible! Even a layer with plain text with a higher ID will drop under flash...

Thanks for all your help, not only I learned how exactly indetify the problem but also how to post more accurate subjects to the list. I will try to get the source info for this problem and post it back to the list.

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