Maybe you do responsible advertising, but the majority of your colleagues 
don't.  Therefore, you are associated with those negative connotations 
whether you like it or not.  If you don't like it, then stop doing that type 

Otherwise, deal with people like David and I calling you out for being in an 
annoying, bad for business, and unethical industry.

----- Original Message ----- 
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 5:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Expandable banners


it's naive comments like this that gives flash a bad name. WIthout wanting 
start a flame war your comment demonstates a significant missunderstanding 
the internet market place and how we've got to where we are today.

Online advertising weather you like it or not has been a corner stone of 
the internet a commercialy viable platform. Online media spend has risen 
year on
year, where we are now in a position that approaching 5% ot total marketing
spend is online. Compare this to five years ago when it was less than 0.5%.

It offers significant benifits over traditional media (ATL and BTL) such as
acurate measureability and behavioural modeling. A significant part of the 
userbase (designer/developers) make a living from creating these onlien 
The revenue that MM generate from sales of Flash to these people have helped 
create the great product we have today.

Now I suspect that you come from the RIA corner of the Flash userbase. Cant 
see the beauty in the Flash platform is the flexabilty it offers. The same 
can be used to create complex applications as roll out games/websites/
advertising etc. It's strength lies from the fact the theplayer is so

BAD flash advertising gives flash a bad name, but NO MORE SO than bad Flash
applications and websites. The reality is if we all did as I supect you'd 
and stop making flash ad's other technologies would appear in it's place.
Advertsing is not going to go away. If it disapeared tomorrow, many of your
favourites sites would have to close, and the Internet would be a very 

... then you'd come runing crying about the good'ld days.

Sorry to jump down your throat on this but I get fed up of ignorant people,
making comments like this. Take some time to look around and you'll see some
pretty creative work out there.

on 9/11/05 10:09 PM, Flashcoders mailing list
<> wrote:

> On 11/9/05, Mick Gow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> ps. They're a pain in the ass :)
> If you mean animated banners, then yes, I agree. It's the flash banner
> creators that give flash a bad name.
> -David R
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