Main benifit is speed.

When you pass data in XML to and from flash in the manner you are you effectivly
passing a long string. The FLash player then has to parse that into an XML
object. Now for smaller XML strings this is very quick, but lets say you have an
XML object with several hundred - even thousands of nodes.

Not only will this take a while to transfer, but Flash will also chug on
parseing it.

Thats where remoting comes in.

Reoting allows ue to flash data in purse binary form, and as native Flash
objects. So if you have a script on your server that extracts some records from
SQL into XML, you can pass that XML to Flash as a native XML object - NOT a
string. The result is when this is transfered to flash - the player has to do
nothing. It's already a native flash XML object - theres no need to parse it.

It's obviously not restricted to XML - you can pass recordsets, customer
objects, any type of data you like, and flash will send and recieve actual
objects not string representations of.

In a large scale application with major traffic (think backsing apps) this not
only offers an added level of security, but also will save serious $$$ on
bandwidth costs.


That sounds sweet then.  Thanks for the run-through.


===  James O'Reilly
===  SynergyMedia, Inc.
===  www.synergymedia.net

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