Design patterns are just a way of doing things... I once posted on my blog
after reading the Head First Design Patterns book (which I think is a
must-read for people getting into DP's) that you might know how to play some
notes on a guitar (this is would liken to creating some variables), and you
may know how to build some chords( classes ) but if you play certain notes
and chords a certain way then you might be playing the blues (a design

MVC is a design pattern made of other design patterns. if you get to know
those first, you'll understand mvc better.

there's a fine line to walk between knowing that you CAN use design patterns
in your design, and that you MUST (usually people think this because someone
else is doing it). Don't worry about forcing them into your work yet...but
look for spots where they might be appropriate and try to work them in (by
this i mean, dont worry about starting off saying, "i am going to build this
using the ____ pattern").

Defintely look into's a framework that uses a bunch of design
patterns to show you a good way to develop a flash app. ( Don't be worried
by the word "framework" either -- you might even think of it as a "reusable
application template").

On 11/9/05, Brent Gore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think I get the idea, relax about MVC... but not too much ;).
> Starting out with MVC is kind of like having ten different maps that all
> get to the same place by different paths. Because of my own specific
> application needs, certain implementations (or maps) will be much better
> than others and figuring out which one to use is mind-boggling. Even
> worse, doing it with Flash is like having an extra mountain range (or
> something) smack dab in the middle.
> Taking Mikes suggestion I'm looking into ARP more. It looks pretty good
> but its kind-of a learning curve. I think the framework will help
> filter out some of the options.
> Anywhoo, thanks for your guys' help! I'm sure I'll feel better about
> this whole thing once I start actually making some progress ;).
> Best,
> Brent
> Message: 21
> Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2005 19:58:14 +0000
> From: Johan Lopes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Questions Using MVC Pattern with Flash
> To: Flashcoders mailing list <>
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> > I've tried building the view completely by the
> > controller with AS createEmptyMovieClip and such but was wasting too
> > much time not being able to see anything at design time.
> I've stayed away from that too. This approach is advantageous when
> you're working with designers who wants to have full access to your
> views during design time.
> >I chose not to pass event objects but rather fire a generic onUpdate()
> >event on each listener. Inside oController.onUpdate() I request the
> >info I need from the composited oModel and pass that info along to the
> >composited view_mc. This allowed me to have different views listening
> >to the model and each requesting only the info they needed instead of
> >getting all-or-nothing. When my model's data changed, it all changed
> >but all of it's listening views didn't need all of the data.
> I like that idea too. It's close to Moock's MVC with Observer Pattern
> passing only the needed data is really cool.
> /Johan
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