Thanks for the info on asfunction.  Does the linked text automatically get
underlined?  Can I chnage the link appearance with a CSS sheet (I need
boldfaced links for this app)?

You can see the project (not yet finished) at   The first page you get to upon clicking
on "Enter" has my custom MP3 Player with lyrics displayed in synch with the
music, which I am quite happy with except that some users report that the
thing doesn't work right unless you first rewind it, but only some of the
time.  I do not understand how it can behave differently on different
occasions, and I cannot reproduce the bug....  Can someone let me know if
oit works for them?  You click on the link on the MP3 player page to get to
the Flash movie with the annoying invisible buttons...  I am currently
working on a video to go with the song, and am debating whether to make a
Flash version that uses still images to make a quick download.

I still need to use invisible buttons (for non text links) and want to know
why the hotspots aren't where they appear to be...  I think I have also had
this trouble with regular buttons, where the hit frame just has the same
image as the up frame, so the hit area should be the visible part of the
button, but in fact, the hot spot is offset and not on top of the button
graphic.  Sometimes also there is no hotspot at all, or there is a hole in
the hotspot (this seems to happen frequently when the button cinsists of
say, a rectangle on one layer, with a text on a layer above it.  Often, you
use a button like this and discover that the text isn't clickable, and the
only hot area is the part of teh rectangle outside the textfield).  This is
very annoying and leads to a tedioous extra step of moving the buttins or
their hot area to make them work...

For the video, I need to make some animations appear on top of live video (I
am using Premiere).  Flash can output my animation as QT, but it needs an
alpha channel so that you can see down to the video underneath...  Is my
only option to output the flash animation as a series of GIFs with index
transparency, and then import them to Premiere and manually line them up on
the timeline in order?  I am using MX 2004, not Flash 8.  Also, is there an
easy way to take a finished video and reduce it to a slideshow in Flash?
Premiere does a poor job of optimizing stills--- I did a video that was
entirely stil images except for a few seconds of motion, and it ended up
quite big when it would have been much smaller as an animated gif (but I
needed sound) or as a Flash movie.  But it is much easier to compose
something videolike using Premiere than in Flash, which doesn't have the
right editing tools or ways to zoom the timeline and trim segments, etc.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Miles Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Flashcoders mailing list" <>;
<>; "Flasher Digest"
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 9:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] hot spots for buttons not where they appear

> Millie,
> You can use HTML links, using them to call asfunction:"func_name",
> Like this, which builds a list of headlines, with links to an array of
> stories.
> var oneEntry:String = "<A HREF='asfunction:_root.addStory,"
>          + i     //index to the array of news stories
>          + "'>"
>          + tempLink +   // headline, previously extracted
>          "</A><BR><BR>";
>          txtHeadlines += oneEntry;
> A typical headline looks like this:
>          <A HREF='asfunction:_root.addStory,3>New Tug for
> When the headline clicked, the addStory function loads arrNews[ 3 ] into
> the textarea which displays stories.
> The only downside is that asfunction: can take only one variable, so you
> may need it to point to an indicator function to accomplish more complex
> Hope this is helpful - Miles Thompson
> At 05:38 AM 11/10/2005, Millie Niss wrote:
> >Hello---
> >
> >I hope someone can help me with this problem, which I have had a bunch of
> >times in Flash:  I often make hypertext in Flash by making an invisible
> >button and placing instances of it on a layer above the text I want to
> >make clickable.  I make the button by having nothing in the up, over, or
> >down frames and a square in the hit frame.  Then when you drag the button
> >onto the stage, it appears as a transparent blue square which you can
> >resize and place over the text you want people to click, and then you
> >define call-back functions on each instance to make it execute whatever
> >code is desired...  (I can't use HTML links to do what I want since I
> >complex Actionscript to execute when there is a click, not just to load a
> >web page...)
> >
> >Unfortunately, when I test my movies sometimes, the acual hot area is not
> >quite where the blue area is in the authoring environment.  I just did a
> >piece with 30 hyperlinked words this way, and the buttons had to be
> >positioned by trial and error and to make them work, they had to be put
> >least 30 pixels offset from where it looked like they should be placed.
> >
> >Does anyone have an explanation or fix for this?  It happens only in some
> >projects and I always create the invisible buttn the same way.  I am
> >Flash MX 2004 Pro on a PC/Win XP.
> >
> >Millie
> >
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