I'm building a Flash 8 application with a complicated data model. I'm importing data into the movie using an XMLConnector object and a schema like so:

  <author id="1" name="author 1">
        <book id="1" title="book 1" year="1999">
              <chapter id ="1" title="how to..." number="1" />
              ...more chapters here
         ...more books here
  ...more authors here

I need this data to be available for 3 seperate DataGrids that need arrays with rows having the following columns:
Authors:   ['id','name','book_count','chapter_count']
Books:     ['id','title','year','chapter_count']
Chapters: ['author_id','author_name','book_id','book title','book_year','chapter_id','chapter_number','chapter_title']

For extra credit: The Authors and Books DataGrid will be used to filter the Chapters DataGrid. Eventually there will also need to be a text search function, and the 'book_count' and 'chapter_count' columns will need update to reflect the filtered amounts.

I've been trying to work with components on the stage, the component inspector, and external .as classes to manipulate the data, but I've had no success so far. Does anyone have ideas to accomplish this type of data manipulation? Also, are their any good sites out there with examples of working with complex data sets like this?

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