On Nov 27, 2005, at 6:39 PM, keith wrote:

I read all over the internet about Quaternions are the solution for avoiding Gimbal-lock,but I
dont understand the math enough to use them for rotating 3D points.

I've looked at http://www.macromedia.com/devnet/flash/articles/3d_classes_03.html. Its a nice tutorial, however I need more examples to study with Quaternions used in Actionscript.

Please post links or tutorials with Actionscript using Quaternions.

-- Keith H --

Quats are not the 'solution' for avoiding gimbal lock. Gimbal lock happens because euler rotations are expressed relative to a global coordinate system and need to be performed in a certain order to achieve a certain rotation. You get gimbal lock when you try to perform a local rotation of an object and then apply global transformations on top of that, which easily results in an improper rotation of an object if you don't code it properly.

Quats are primarily used for camera animation in 3d applications because they are higher order and include transformations and rotations in the same matrix set. They are great for path animation in 3d space because of the capability of using smooth interpolation.

A quick overview and simple description:

Not to convince you otherwise, but there really isn't a reason to use quaternions. Use axis/angle representation instead of quaternions for 3d rotations, unless you really really need to do a lot of spherical linear interpolation (unlikely).

Jon Bradley
Visual Effects / Interactive / Animation
Post Central, Inc.
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