Hi Ian, thanks! But I have read such code many times and in many forum.
However, my this piece of stupid code just does now work for me. (But it
runs well, if I manually add a symbol 'RMC', in Flash)

Can someone test on your side and tell me if it is working in your
environment? Big thanks!!  - Juguang

// RMC.as
class RMC extends MovieClip {
    public function RMC(){}
    public function init(w, h){
        this.lineStyle(2, 0xff0000, 100);
        this.moveTo(0, 0);
        this.lineTo(100, 100);

    public static var symbolName:String="RMC";
    public static var symbolOwner:Function=RMC;
    public static var symbolLinked=Object.registerClass(symbolName,

// entry

import RMC;
var mc = _root.attachMovie(RMC.symbolName, "myname",
var rmc=RMC(mc);
rmc.init(100, 100);

/////// the end

On 11/29/05, Ian Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Juguang,
> I posted the following about a week ago - I think it's what you're after:
> ----------------------------------
>   Can't remember where I got this solution - definitely not mine - but
> here's how to create a MovieClip-derived class that doesn't need an
> associated library symbol:
> --------------
> class net.something.MyButton extends MovieClip
> {
>     static var symbolName:String = "__Packages.net.something.MyButton ";
>     static var symbolOwner:Function = MyButton;
>     public function MyButton()
>     {
>     }
>     static var symbolLinked=Object.registerClass(symbolName, symbolOwner);
> }
> --------------
> To create it, use attachMovie:
> import net.something.MyButton;
> var button:MyButton=MyButton(myTimeline.attachMovie(MyButton.symbolName,
>                                             "someRandomButton",
> myTimeline.getNextHighestDepth()));
> Where myTimeline is whatever parent movie clip you're trying to attach to.
> HTH,
>   Ian
> (I think I'll go away and put this in the FAQ...)
> On 11/29/05, de-hack SWF <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > Creating a fake named linkage'd run-time symbol is done another way.
> > > But I don't remember it by hearth. Maybe someone else can feed on this
> > > one.
> >
> >
> > Yes. Thanks. You identify my problem. This is  the point that I want to
> > know. Anyone any ideas? :-)
> >
> > Juguang
> >
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