what is the best oop way to do this:
after I ....
init a controller class
the controller class loads in a swf.
loaded swf initiates it's own class to handle it's ui.
now ........
I want to reference public functions and properties in that loaded swf's 
initiated ui class from the controller. I will use event listeners for the big 
events. but I want to have pointers in the controller for other stuff. 
in theory classes/objects could ref each other via these pointers in the 
ok..... so currently....
controller can target the swf. it knows that path cause it created / loaded it.
but ....at this point the controller does not know the name of the ui class in 
the loaded swf.
it does not know that swf 1, for example, was initiated by saying ...
var ui = new UI()
on frame 1.
1) I could have an agreed upon object name in the loaded swf so the controller 
knows it can say:
loadedMovie.ui.someValue and it will be targeting the correct object? but that 
seems wack. and not very oop.
2) I could have the swf load, init and then call back to the controller passing 
a ref to itself. and then do something in the controller.
all of the above is easy for me with mc's but I am not figuring it out with 
swfs. damn. 
I hope the above makes sense. you are the best!
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