Hi I have built a game that seems to be crashing in Flash 8 intermittently
just as it writes a boolean property to a scene based object?
Has anyone else experienced this, its not happening in fp7 at all. Like I
say its intermittent and has taken me ages to track down.
I create an object which has scene based properties and a generic scene
state object in which to store the scene logic booleans,
so now and then when writing a boolean like

sceneState.extraData.seenVideo = true;

this is the class that creates the objects....

class com.intel.logic.SceneState {

 var name:String;
 var swf_path:String;

 // default fields
 var done:Boolean = false;
 var visits:Number = 0;
 var displayName:String;
 var xArrowPos:Number;
 var yArrowPos:Number;
 var extraData :Object;

 function SceneState ()
  extraData = {};


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