On 12/4/05, Hans Wichman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi peeps,
> related discussions have been on here before, but i didn't find a real
> answer.
> Imagine this piece of code:
> var i = 0;
> onEnterFrame = function () {
>         i = i + 0.1;
>         trace (i);
>         if (i == 0.7) trace("here");
> }
> as you might expect, after running for 7 frames, it traces "here".
> However if you change 0.7 to 0.8, it stops working.
> I assume this is to floating point math and rounding errors and stuff?
> In what way can i check for equality to 0.7 then? With a bigger than,
> smaller than construction?
> This seems so weird to me...

This will check to make sure the numbers are equal to within 2 decimal
places. change both 100's to set how many decimal places you want to check.

if(Math.round(i*100) == (0.8 *100))

-David R
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