Windows 3.1 was single threaded. As I understand it, programs would hook
into the event loop and be given a handle. While they held the handle,
they could run their own code, but they were supposed to release it when
they were finished to allow other running programs to use it.

I guess what I'm trying to say is quite a bit you can do without
multiple threads.

And just as a side note, I came up with an interesting idea today on how
to emulate multiple threads in Flash. Just use more than one movie! Talk
between the UI movie and the background worker movie with a
LocalConnection object, and you're in business. No more UI lock.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Boon
Sent: December 3, 2005 8:24 PM
To: Flashcoders mailing list
Subject: [Flashcoders] Flash is a single-threaded app? Maybe it's just
theAVM? or...

  I have read in this  forum that someone loosely coined the phrase
"Flash is a single thread  app", it's hard to imagine something as high
performance and intricate  as Flash to be a single-threaded app.
  So I started to take the above statement to mean that the Actionscript
VM executes all the code in a sequential fashion but that Flash player
itself is multithreaded, is that a right assumption?
  And what about code that are asynchronous in nature, such as sound
playing ( new Sound(), onSoundComplete), server-side call  return (such
as LoadVars, XML.onLoad)?  Are these all happening in the single thread
of code execution?
  Looks like a book on Flash and AVM Internal would be nice. :)
  - boon
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