I agree...bytearrays aren't anything bad, its just another way to
manipulate data. The only way it could cause problems, is if there are
any exploits in the flash runtime, it would make it slightly (only
slightly) easier to take advantage of them.

Raw sockets, are still restricted by the same cross-domain
restrictions as exist in flash 7 & 8, so sites have to specifically
allow flash clients to connect (opt-in)

direct access to sound buffer? how could there be any security
problems with this? flash already can play sounds, so the most direct
access would let you do, is create very strange sounds that maybe you
couldn't compress in mp3? maybe you could write some kind of nerual
virus, that when people hear it, in infects their brain?

I don't see any security issues with these features. But I understand
the position, I don't want flash to become another attack vector, like
signed java applets. Right now, the worst a flash movie can do is pop
up lots of browser windows. The worst a signed java applet can do is
ANYTHING (if the user presses Yes in the "accept applet?" dialog). I
could for example write a java applet that deletes all your files.

-David R

On 12/7/05, hank williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I dont understand. Are you saying that raw sockets is a security
> nightmare? or bytearrays?  or the sound buffer access? Raw sockets and
> bytearrays are already in flash 8 so are you saying there is already a
> security nightmare? Or are you saying that sound buffer access would
> somehow tip the scales into a security nightmare? If so, how? It seems
> to me that that is no more dangerous than giving developers direct
> access to the screen display buffer which they now do already in flash
> 8.
> Regards
> Hank
> On 12/7/05, ryanm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Personally i would rather see a more open, low level approach to sound in
> > > the player upon which MIDI and other implementations could be developed.
> > >
> >     Normally, I am all about giving flexibility to the developer, but raw
> > sockets + byteArray + laccess to the sound buffer would be a security
> > nightmare. It's like a big welcome mat for viruses. I wouldn't hold my
> > breath.
> >
> > ryanm
> >
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