The simplest approach would be to shoot a series of photos within the space and splice them together so they're seamless. This will allow for x-axis & y-axis movement (look left, right, up, & down). As for z- axis you could fake it by making hot regions that you can click on, and then simply dissolve to the new location. By this I mean: there's a doorway to a new room - user clicks on it and a cross-fade brings you to the new room.

This is essentially what you're going to get with QTVR as well.

If you want to have actual z-axis movement (forward & backward motion), you're most likely going to need to do some 3D modeling and generate animations for all of the potential positions. You can apply texture maps using swift3D or other 3D app and pre-render each movement. (Probably the most time intensive approach.)

Shockwave 3D will probably give you the fullest 3D motion experience allowing the viewer to move around in any direction. But it's also pretty processor intensive.

These last 2 solutions will take a lot of time to create and requires multiple skill-sets. If you're green, I'd not recommend either without some practice first.


On Dec 9, 2005, at 6:52 AM, nik crosina wrote:

Hi guys

I am trying to find the best way forward here...

We have to create a 3D looking hotel lobby from which the suer can move into
the kitchen, bar, hotel room, etc.

Has anyone of you done something similar in 3D and in FLASH, or is this too
much pane. I am thinking about skewing photographs or illustrations of
walls, floors and ceilings and allowing the user to determine the movemnet
around in the space which then will cahnge the perspectives, etc.

Is it too much pain, or is it doable?

Other options we are considering at the moment are QTVR, and 3D modelling
output to either video (and Flash) or Shockwave 3D via Director.

What you think?!

Nik C
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