I do all of my work remotely and have setup SVN access for all the people involved in the project.

After a 10 minute guide to tortoise svn all the non-programmers were happy, and they have now got out of the habit of having mutiple copies of files with incremental names like schedule_rev23 because the revisions are managed automatically.

We use it for everything project related, specification documents, schedules, code, .fla's.

Its great having https access as well so if someone needs to just view one or two files i can send them a link and some guest account details.

If you are thinking of setting up an SVN server yourself i personally prefer using debian. And this page can get you up and running in no time.


although i use a slightly different config in apache (the SVNParentPath directive, to allow easy control of multiple repositories)

something like this :

<Location /svn>
        DAV svn
        SVNParentPath /opt/svn
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName "My SVN"
        AuthUserFile /opt/svn/.dav_svn.passwd
        Require valid-user



Ian Thomas wrote:
Hi Danny,
  SVN and CVS work happily for remote access, too...


P.S. Bought the book, by the way - just haven't had time to read it. :-)

On 12/13/05, Danny Kodicek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We've been quite happy with FTPVC, which is a system based on your FTP
It's very useful when you're working with freelancers and others who need
be offsite. A few quirks, but it's cheap, it works pretty well and has a
decent UI too.


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Martin Wood

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