On Dec 14, 2005, at 5:38 AM, Martin Klasson wrote:
So I can not recommend this engine as the 1.1 version has some problems, which DID work in the 1.0 release. I have emailed Moses about this, but he might not be up yet.

Christ almighty Martin! It's called a private beta and you are breaking your trust in a huge way here with this post. Way out of line dude.

Anyway people, the version 1.1 Martin is going on about is not yet available except by special request for beta testers, but you're more than welcome to use 1.0. As stated at my site, version 1.0 is very stable but has a couple of very minor known bugs that you probably will not run up against.

I have been working around the clock (with a lot of help from Jim Tann/ UK and Graeme Asher/ Seattle on the MTASC issue) on getting v1.1 stable and ready to release, it has a number of great new features like bezier tweens and easy filter tweening.

I am really excited about it, it's a great version! I hope to get that out within the next few weeks but I need to debug plus work things out with the German authors of the filter tools that I've integrated into the kit, which is taking some doing as well. Believe me, this project is eating far more time than I have to give, basically it's now a full-time (and unpaid) job, so some patience is required from the fan base here or I will jump out a window.

Also, to clear up the confusion about tweening engines in other posts, Zigo personally passed the torch to me on further updating his engine, so ZigoEngine+Fuse Kit 1.0 is currently the newest quasi- official release of lmc_tween - it's the same engine but as2 class based and includes easy to use components.

Fuse on. - Moses

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