The movie the script is in gets loaded into another movie. I can trace out _root.cat_color[0] etc... with no problems, even doing so in the for loop outputs proper values for _root.cat_colors[i]. If i trace out tempColor.length after the split, it always comes back undefined, thus the loop after that never happens.

trace("String: "+_root.cat_colors[0]);
// traces out bob,jim,john

var tempColor:Array = _root.cat_colors[0].split(",");

trace("Total: "+tempColor.length);
// traces out undefined when it should be 3

Adrian Lynch wrote:

Just took your code and plonked it in a new .fla and it works for me. Is
anything else happening in the movie or any included movies?

See it here:


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Mike
Sent: 20 December 2005 23:41
To: Flashcoders mailing list
Subject: [Flashcoders] Wierd split

Im having a wierd problem with using .split on an array.  I create an
array 3 frames before in the same timeline like so:

_root.cat_colors = new Array();
_root.cat_colors[0] = "bob,john,betty";

Then 2 frames down the timeline I run a loop like so:

for (i=0; i<_root.cat_colors.length; i++) {

   trace("String: "+_root.cat_colors[i]);
  // The string traces properly here ex. bob,jim,john etc...

   var tempColor:Array = _root.cat_colors[i].split(",");
   trace("Total: "+tempColor[i]);
   // traces out undefined for the next loop never happens

   for (j=0; j<tempColor.length; j++) {
      trace("Color: "+tempColor[j]);


Anyone know why this doesnt work? is there another way to achieve this?
If i create the array on the same frame as the loop, everything works
like it should.


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