I've used just about everything on both PC and Mac.

On the PC (currently better supported for developers)
PrimalScript, Sepy, and although haven't tried it yet, Keith Peters mentions 
great things about  FlashDevelop

My choice (although pricey) PrimalScript, and the next release will finally 
support code folding. There's a special New years eve offer for version 4

On the Mac
Currently trying and enjoying  Textmate. It has a intelligent project View and 
cold folding.
Clean and simple yet powerful enough for my needs. Last time I tried Sepy found 
it to be buggy.
Eclipse is of course powerful but java based apps always seem a bit slow on OSX 
Xcode is wonderful, but not enough support yet for Actionscript. If someone 
could get the class modeller to work with Actionscript and figure out how to 
get a truly intelligent project view, then Xcode would be THE killer 
development app for AS coders on the Mac.

Now if PrimalScript and Textmate could only support UML, with export to stub 
There are a number of UML tools out there for Java. I use and like the free 
tool called Jude.

Hope this helps
Jim Bachalo

[e] jbach at bitstream dot ca
[c] 416.668.0034
[w] www.bitstream.ca
"...all improvisation is life in search of a style."
             - Bruce Mau,'LifeStyle'
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