sorry...what i mean to say is that the text doesnt appear.

On 12/28/05, Jose Maria Barros <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Michael.
> Well, ive tried your method didnt worked out..maybe you can help
> me..looking at the code..
> ///starting variables
> texto_xml = _root.main.caixa_txt.htmlText;
> _root.main.caixa_txt.autoSize = true;
> //XML///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> noticias_xml = new XML();
> _root.myNots=new Array();
> noticias_xml.onLoad = startNoticias;
> noticias_xml.load("noticias.xml");
> noticias_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
> function abrir(param1) {
>         //getURL("loja.asp","_blank");
>         getURL("'novidade.asp?id="+param1+"', 'PopUp',
> 'width=420, height=500, top=100, left=100, resizable=no, toolbar=no,
> location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes,
> copyhistory=no');void(0);");
> }
> function startNoticias(success_not) {
>         if (success_not == true) {
>                 rootNode_not = noticias_xml.firstChild;
>                 totalNoticias = rootNode_not.childNodes.length;
>                 firstNoticia = rootNode_not.firstChild;
>                 currentNoticia = firstNoticia;
>                 currentIndex_not = 1;
>                 for (a=1; a<=totalNoticias; a++) {
>                         texto_xml = texto_xml + "<font color='#76AE22' 
> size='12'><b>" +
> currentNoticia.attributes.titulo + "</b></font><br>" + "<font
> color='#B5B5B5' size='11'><br>" + currentNoticia.attributes.data_not +
>  "</font><font 
> color='#FEBF00'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a
> href=\"asfunction:_root.abrir, " + +
> "\">+ Mais</a>" + "</font><br><br>";
>                         currentNoticia = currentNoticia.nextSibling;
>                 }
>         }
> }
> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> On 12/27/05, Michael Bedar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > first, you should not be using the Variable property of a textfield..
> >
> > To get your text box resizing to fit the content you add, set the
> > "autoSize" property to true in actionscript, ie
> >
> > caixa_txt.autoSize=true;
> > caixa_txt.htmlText="<p>whatever</p>"
> >
> >
> >
> > On Dec 27, 2005, at 12:34 PM, Jose Maria Barros wrote:
> >
> > > Hello all.
> > >
> > > I have a movieclip that inside has a dynamic text box labeled
> > > "caixa_txt" with a variable call noticias_txt.
> > >
> > > That text box is only one line..but i choose to be multiline and with
> > > HTML support for me to be able to style the XML nodes.
> > >
> > > The  problem is that the movie clip dont resize the text box when i
> > > insert new nodes in the XML file...he only shows the first node, so i
> > > think he doenst resize the text box automatically..
> > >
> > > The sollution ive made was make the text box with a very high height
> > > accept many nodes.. but the problem is that i have a
> > > scrollbar that stores the total height of the movie clip and when i
> > > dont have many news..he scrolls the movie until the end of the movie
> > > height..
> > >
> > > Sorry..i dont know if any of you understand sorry for bad
> > > english....but i can send a file with an example..
> > >
> > > Thanks in advance..
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