On 12/30/05, Nathan Derksen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Those are equivalent syntaxes. Everything basically inherits from
> Object, so this is valid syntax throughout, including your custom
> classes. Basically, you are accessing (and apparently creating)
> properties on the fly, with no type checking, and no compiler
> validation as to whether the property being accessed actually exists.

while that is true, i thought that was what the "dynamic" keyword was
to allow, and without it, you'd get some sort of error...

> In many respects, LoadVars is doing what you want to do with your
> Session class.

well, in ways, yes - in ways, no. it's doing the same on-the-fly
variable assignment, but doesn't have any other methods (like
"addItem") that would put keys/values into a specific class member.

it seems that LoadVars just iterates over the object and outputs any
property it finds (which is why "onLoad=function" used to appear in
LoadVars data).

i was doing iterations over both the class object and the Items
member. i'd obviously prefer just to have one place for all props.

> Regarding number 2, that is what getters and setters are normally
> for. With arbitrary properties, someone correct me if I am wrong, but
> I don't think there is a way of intercepting them all, just specific
> ones that you have defined.

indeed there's none that i know of... but i've seen some folks do some
strange things with Flash here ;-)

as Jesse pointed out, __resolve won't work with variable assignments -
so AFAIK, there's no nice way to handle this.


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