Hi List
Nobody answered me yesterday but I need to konw what happens please...
When I generate my movie, I sometimes get a class name conflict error... but there are 3 problems in this error: - if I wait 2 or 3 minutes wihtout using flash before compiling, I don't have this error anymore and my project works perfectly... so it doesn't seem to come from my coding - It's a very little project with 5 classes, and only one level in the package, I can't see how it can be possible to be in conflict... no way - I've read in the help that a conflict is between a classpath that contains a compiled class name or path, so an <A.B.C> class creates a conflict with the <A.B> compiled class, but I don't have any compiled class, and the error message says 2 times the same name <A.B.C> and <A.B.C>, so I have a conflict between a class and itself ?!!??! I can had that the package is a part of my main classpath, with all other projects I've made, and wich work well. I've tried everythings, changing name of the class, of the path, etc... but the only way to avoid this error each time is to let all .as files in the same directory as the fla one... not very nice...

Does anyone have an idea on what happens please??

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