This is a scope-issue. Try

import mx.utils.Delegate
setInterval(Delegate.create(this, func), 2000);


> Hi Coders,
>       In following code, I am creating a new dynamic movie clip (in
> function N1 of script object) and associating the handler for unload
> event. Next I am deleting the same movie clip in function N3 of script
> object. But if we are calling the function N3 through setInterval
> function, movieclip unload event is not called.
> Now if we are calling the same function N3 directly without 
> setInterval,
> unload event will be called.
> Someone please tell me what is happening here?
> script = new Object();
> Delay = new Object();
> // Delay Object
> Delay.delay = function(obj, func)
> {
>       this.mObj = obj;
>       this.mFunc = func;
>       // Calling function after an interval of 2 seconds.
>       setInterval(this.func, 2000, this);
> }
> Delay.func = function(obj)
> {
>       var temp = obj;
>       // Calling function N3 of class script.
>       temp.mObj[temp.mFunc]();
> }
> // Script Object
> script.N1 = function()
> {
>       // Creating a new movie clip.
>       _root.createEmptyMovieClip("Dhiraj", 1);
> // Associating unload event with it.
>       _root.Dhiraj.onUnload = function()
>       {
>             trace("Dhiraj Unload");
>       }
>       // Storing the movie clip instance in member variable.
>       this.mMC = _root.Dhiraj;
>       // Calling next function of script.
>       this.N2();
> }
> script.N2 = function() 
> {
> // Calling N3 after some delay.
>       Delay.delay(this, "N3");
> }
> script.N3 = function()
> {
>       this.mMC.removeMovieClip();
> }
> script.N1();      // Calling first function of script.
> Regards:
> Dhiraj
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