Well I've installed the Flash Lite 2.0 and one of the more interesting parts is the long list of possible "Test Devices". Now it shows you the Nokia ones which are on the website, but greyed out there are also about 15 different phone manufacturers and a long list of phones, including even some extra Nokia ones. Presumably this is a list of all the existing Symbian phones.

Now as far as I can see this list could be

- All the phones that could be supported using the current technology once distribution deals
with the manufacturers are sorted out

- All the phones that the current player will run on once the current testing period
is over.

- All the phones that the Flash Lite 2.0 player could be ported to if someone pays
Macrobe to do it.

Which of these applies will make a big difference to the speed of adoption - if
the current player will be released for all these models in a few months then
this could become quite big pretty quickly - otherwise its going to take a while.

Can anyone shed any light on this?



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