Good afternoon Flashcoders.
I'm looking for an online resource to guide me through the creation of an
extension that would install some files in the WindoSWF folder as well as
extract some templates into the template libary in the Flash IDE.  Can
anyone suggest some resources that would start me off in the right

I have been reading up on JSFL usage in the last few days and am learning
the many uses but am curious if I am headed down the longer path in search
of my solution.  The end goal is to provide our clients with a one-click
install that would add a small list of commands to their command menu, some
components to their components folder, a panel for managing projects that
will contain a swf(I've pretty much figured this part out thanks to the
FlashGuru tutorials) and some templates to their template library.

Just to be clear- I'm not looking for a "gimme" at all.  Just asking someone
to point me in the right direction to "teach me to fish" so to speak.

Thanks in advance,

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