Hi Jobe,

I just wrote up a document for using this.

Here it is below:
Email me offlist to get the template file I created.


Packaging a component can be quite troublesome. Here are some steps to help you get the most out of it.

- Create a directory called Release 1.0.0 (replace 1.0.0 with the current version number) in the directory of your component.

- Copy the AS2Doc config file to the component root directoy. Rename it to fit your component.

AS2DOC Section

Open AS2DOC and open your as2doc.xml file.

Project Tab
- In the projects tab type in a new description. Be sure to save your file at each step.

- When you save it delete the file that is there before because sometimes it does not get saved.

Source Tab

- Switch to the Source tab and select the correct path to your class file or class directory. For example, select the directory that contains all your classes, "com" or select the main component class, "MyComponent.as". Sometimes duplicate files are listed when you select a directory. This happens when you have a copy of the file and leave it in the same directory, "Copy of myComponent.as". Remove this backup to another location.

Output Tab

- In the output directory select the Release 1.0.0/documentation directory.

- In the stylesheet section select "Flash MX 2004 Documentation"

- In the stylesheet information section click the configure button.

- In the configuration screen check the checkbox "Omit file tags for .as sources".
- Enter footer information, "© ACME 2005 - 2006".
- In MXI Title enter "ACME Inc. Component".
- In MXI Version enter the version "1.0.0".
- In MXI Type enter "Flash Component".
- In MXI Author type your name or company name
- In MXI Description enter component description, "ACME XYZ component for Flash MX 2004 and Flash 8" - In MXI UI Access describe how to get to the component in the Flash IDE, "After installing the extension, you can access it under Components > ACME > MyComponent. Help can be found in the Help Panel under ACME > MyComponent"

Options Tab

- In the options tab check the Public Members checkbox.
- Go back and save your file again.

Log Tab

- Press the generate button.

Now goto the Release 1.0.0\documentation\HelpPanel\Help\myComponent directory and open the introduction.html page in a browser.

This allows you to read your help documentation as if you were reading it from within the Flash IDE. Take the time now to read through the documentation following the built in links.

- As you read through the introduction page go to the Project tab and change any part of the description you need to.

- As you read through the help documentation open up your class file and make changes as you need to.

- All comments that contain "< pre >" tag enclosed code should be indented one tab.
For example,

Now that you've made the changes you need to regenerate the help docs again. Go into the directory Release 1.0.0\documentation\HelpPanel\Help\myComponent and delete all the files there.

Go back into AS2Doc and press the generate button again.


Jobe Makar wrote:

Hi guys,

I've recently purchased AS2Doc to generate documentation from my ElectroServer class file. The software works pretty well, but it appears the Mirell (company that owns it) is now a ghost town or something. There are no responses to my support requests at all. Emails to their busdev address bounce.

My question is this: does anyone know of a good place where I could find support on AS2Doc. Or, can anyone suggest an alternative software that takes the java-doc style comments and create documentation?

Jobe Makar
phone: 919-609-0408
mobile: 919-610-5754
fax: 919-341-8104

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