Hi Yves,

I'm currently making an application in flash that needs to print any mc that
you throw at it in a decent and structured way.

This is of course possible with the printJob class but I'm encountering some
positioning problems at the moment.


I have a very big mc (in height) and I want to print it. I decide to cut the
mc in half and send each half to the spool.
I can't use flash 8 advanced pixel features (must work in f7) so I work with custom white shapes in the mc's that cover the area that belongs to the
other half.
Also can't use masks but can't remember right now why.  :)

Without masking this is going to be an impossible task.

For example: main mc has a height of 1000 pixels.

Part 1 still has a height of 1000 pixels but also has the white shape
starting at 500 y-axis that covers the part2 content
Part 2: same as part 1 but the white shape starts at 0 y-axis and covers the
part 1 content.

Now when I print part 1 there is no problem. It will start at the top and you won't see the part 2 content because of the white shape, technically speaking part 1 is still way too large to be printed of course but because
of the white shape at the bottom that doesn't matter.

There is a problem, and it doesn't have anything to do with your white shape. When printing a large MovieClip in Flash, it will not split that into 2 pages if your MC won't fit onto one page - it will just print what it can and will throw away the rest.

Part2, now the problem kicks in. The white space to cover the part 1 content is now on top. When I send part 2 to the spool all I see is white and a small piece of part 2 content. This is normal of course because the white space is the top of the mc so there isn't really a problem because that's
how it's supposed to work.

This backs up the point I made above.

So I thought I could fix this by inserting part2_mc in a new movie clip and position it so that the actual content starts at 0, 0 and the white shape
lies above it.
But apparently this doesn't work, it seems that the printJob class
completely ignores that position and just sends the whole mc to the spool
including the white shape.
I played around with the addPage(xMin,xMax,etc...) margin settings but those
settings aren't of any use for my problem.

Indeed, neither of those options will work. The only thing that can save you is masking.



Steve Webster
Head of Development

Featurecreep Ltd.
14 Orchard Street, Bristol, BS1 5EH
0117 905 5047

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