If you are using AS2, then you want to use import, not #include (which is AS1).

import mx.remoting.Service;
import mx.services.Log;
import mx.remoting.debug.NetDebug;

Grant Cox

JP wrote:

I'm running into very odd issues with the installation of Flash remoting
components for AS2 on both Windows and OSX using Flash MX 2004.

1. In both cases, using #include "NetServices.as" or "NetDebug.as" produces
a 'file not found' compiler error.
2. After reading through a bunch of Tec notes, I discovered that those two
files needed to be placed into the include directory. After that, Flash
found the files, but...
3. Suddenly the compiler spit out 20+ warnings about improper import paths
defined in these files.

import mx.remoting.degug. <-- place filename here

I started madly shuffling files around to their correct paths (on the OSX
version), but now I'm getting 20+ messages from within the component files
when including NetDebug or NetServices:

**Error** Volume:Users:jpowers:Library:Application Support:Macromedia:
Flash MX 2004:en:Configuration:Include:NetDebug.as: Line 10: Classes may
only be defined in external ActionScript 2.0 class scripts.
        intrinsic class mx.remoting.debug.NetDebug extends Object


[snip] Syntax error. import mx.remoting.debug.events.NetDebugTrace;
[snip] Syntax error. static public function

Can anyone tell me how I can sort this out? I'm stumped.


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