Nice. condenseWhite does work but only if you are just using the xml content in a text field. For my purposes I needed to do conditional stuff based on the xml -- no text fields involved -- so I had to have the exact strings.

Josh Gormley wrote:

I had this exact problem just last week. I couldn't figure out a solution, so I simply removed all carriage returns and tabs from the raw XML data. Here's the function that I wrote to clean things up. Simply add on onData event handler to your XML loading and then call this function with the raw XML data string.

I didn't try the condenseWhite option that Duncan suggests, but if that works, I'll kick myself. Either way, this solution works well for me.

function cleanXML(xmlString):String{
    var cleanString:String = xmlString;
// remove any processing instructions in the XML data
    while (cleanString.indexOf("<?") != -1){
        var startIndex = cleanString.indexOf("<?");
        var endIndex = cleanString.indexOf("?>") + 2;
        var dirtyString:String = cleanString.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
        cleanString = cleanString.split(dirtyString).join("");
// remove any extranieous \t\n\r characters in the XML data
    cleanString = cleanString.split("\r").join("");
    cleanString = cleanString.split("\n").join("");
    cleanString = cleanString.split("\t").join("");
return cleanString;

Note that I'm also removing all processing instructions from the XML as well because Flash can't handle them (my clients are using Altova StyleVision to edit the content and that puts an extra processing instruction block at the top of the XML file).

Hope that helps,

On Jan 24, 2006, at 3:34 PM, david kraftsow wrote:


Whats the easiest way to strip out that annoying whitespace from your xml nodes? I have a lovely human-readable xml file with tons of carriage returns and tabs. When I load it into a flash XML object the leaf/ content nodes all have tabs and carriage returns in them. Setting the ignoreWhite property does nothing. [?] Example:

<root_1 attr_1="blahblah">
                   Leaf content 1 blah blah blah.

When I parse out that leaf content I get a string like "\n \n Leaf content...." Very annoying. I don't have to write a traversal method to strip it all out do I? Surely there is a better way!

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